The Imperium

Designed by Huni_Bun


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The Imperium, Formally known as the Empire of Eroth or the Erothian Empire, and named the "Land of the Hammer and the Lion" by Dark Elves, is an parliamentary theocratic constitutional monarchy composed of semi-autonomous kingdoms and vassal states called "Grand Provinces." The Imperium is easily the alrgest, most populous, and certainly the most powerful nation in the world of Aldebaran. The Imperium was forged by a leonin slave named Eroth Blacksun who later became a warrior-king and eventually the solar deity; he was part of the primitive leonin tribes that inhabited central Arathia centuries ago. After uniting the leonin tribes, they all took the moniker "Erothian" as their racial name and carved out a culture that is dedicated to serving the greater good and stamping out the evil's of darkness and depravity. But the Dark Son looms over the Imperium, for Cyric, the demonic and corrupted youngest son of Eroth, seeks to corrupt his father's faithful, and turn them against him.

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